

      I WANTED TO GIVE YOU  SOME [ops those pesky caps] feedback on how the
"discussion" looked thru my eyes so last night I wrote a somewhat longish
summary of what I was thinking about[I know you were awaiting that with
baited breath] and I would stun you with some factual analysis.Well I had
to put off giving you such a summary. Seems that about 9pm Sundays digest
rolled on in with no one having any thing to say about the registry.So I
figured well I can get off my planned for summary except for one little
detail....Sat. Digest come in the door with some 73 messages worth 4817
lines with about 24 of these messages having to do with the subject at
hand.So I spent a few hours yesterday thinking and mulling over some new
figures . surely you guys would would run out of gas soon so I thought that
I'd be able to get off a message to you all this morning. BUT no what do I
find in my e-mail this am STILL more messages!! But I'm going to treat this
with calmness..... It's only another 62 messages worth only another2373
lines with only 32 of the messages involving only 19 members of the list
wishing to talk about the registry.

   Stat. for the night.... of  the 19 members 10 were against the registry
5 were for it and 4 were mearly looking for information or I didn't know
what the hell they were talking about. I AM BEING CALM! Actually this is an
interesting vantage point to view the proceedings. My opinion is that the
arguements are begining to take shape and people are trying very hard to be
fair in their deliberations. Clearly one mans' view [or is that man's?]
Well this is enough for my evening except for a note I should like to pass
on....if you would like a copy of the Nebraska Registry Act law please
check in with:

  Thank you Mr Hyland

George Lussier[[log in to unmask]

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