

Subject: Parlodel vs Permax

Hello all,  Well, one by one the Parlodel people are popping up. I have a
count of 5 people, two actually had negative reactions to Permax: and three
are taking Parlodel and felt no need for a change.

It must be remembered that for a period of maybe 2 to3 years Parlodel was
the only synthetic Dopamine Agonist available (in the UK at least), and
a lot of people used it in that time, including me. Remember also that I
have never suggested that Parlodel does not deliver favorable results on
PD symptoms, particularly when combined with levodopa. My problem with
Parlodel is that it has the potential to produce such worrying side-effects.
( See the email from Martha Rohrer below.)

So: There we are !!! Totally confused?

Perhaps we should end by saying - Any drug that is aimed at defeating the
blood/brain barrier is potentially hazardous, and we should trwat them all
with deep respect. At least we have a tablet which attempts to directly
replace the missing chemical in our brains (levodopa). You may not know
that levodopa was cleared for general use as late as 1970. We are really
still on the learning curve for all these drugs. We have the choice of
not taking any of them. (I can think of one prson who does that) or
carefully  investigating the various options until we find a suitable
combination . And remember: we may be only a few years away from being
able to throw our pill bottles for good. (I may have to make a special trip
to the dump!)

Regards, Brian Collins


From: "(Martha Rohrer)" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Bromocriptine and Hallucinations

It is no wonder that some PWPs report having hallucinations and episodes of
paranoia while taking Parlodel (bromocriptine mesylate). Bromocriptine is an
ergot derivative.

Ergot is a fungus that develops on rye when there are favorable
humid conditions. When grain contaminated with this fungus was ground into
flour and made into bread in the middle ages, there were terrible episodes
of mass madness in Europe, the so-called St Anthony's Fire and St Vitus
Dance epidemics. Some  have speculated that fungus contaminated grain was
responsible for the witchcraft trials in New England.  There are many
derivatives of Ergot, some useful, like bromocriptine, and others
destructive. One of the more prominent of the latter is Lysergic acid
diethylamide-25, better known as LSD.

Bromocriptine is commonly used in obstetrics to prevent lactation or to
treat postpartum hemmorhage, for example. Other ergot alkaloids are used to
treat migraine attacks or to improve blood flow in the brain after a stroke.

My husband was started on Parlodel as a dopamine agonist when he was first
diagnosed at Stanford in 1986. He did not have a problem with
hallucinations, but he did with another of the side effects of this potent
drug, a sudden drop in blood pressure. We became aware of that effect one
day when he stood up too quickly and fainted. We switched to Permax several
years ago. He has had a few episodes of nightime hallucinations this
past year. Neither we, nor his neurologist can be sure what caused them. He
still sees people that aren't there occasionally, but recognizes them as
imaginary, thank goodness. Blood pressure swings up and down, but as someone
said recently, Parkies don't get up quickly enough to have a problem with
fainting. That's certainly true in Neal's case these days.

The frustrating thing is that it is pretty much impossible to tell what
effect the cocktail of medications PWPs take will have from day to day, or
even hour to hour. These medications vary in effect depending upon how the
gastro-intestinal tract is functioning, what stresses we are experiencing,
how much sleep we got the night before, and the interaction of a large
number of enzymes and hormones. The fewer potent drugs we add to the mix the
better. While a medication can help most people with Parkinsons, anyone
could be an exception. Even if it wasn't a problem the day before it could
be today. We have to be alert all of the time and take care of ourselves to
a large extent. The PDR and the internet have been life savers these past
few years.