

In the field of psychoneuroimmunology (aka body/mind healing) the importance
of the frame is paramount. Meaning that how one frames an event or an
experience in one's life can actively and dynamically impact how that person
heals from it. This is not just a psychological perspective although that is
my field of expertise. The impact of attitude and perspective on healing has
been talked about, written about, preached about by doctors and psychologists
alike -  Bernie Segal MD, Depak Chopra, Andrew Weil just to name a few. The
body is basically plastic. This does not mean that one can necessairily heal
oneself from say Parkinson's by attitude alone or at all...this is just
saying that relating to it as a gift or just having a little curiosity as to
what might be learned from this significant change in how one sees oneself
and relates to ones life, can open one up to growing in the experience and
possibly healing in different ways. This is well known and well practised in
the cancer communities such as the Wellness Center in my area. I guess then
choosing to see something as physically devastating as Parkinsons as a gift
might keep one from seeing oneself as a victim, as part of a group of vicims
that have been for some reason struck with this ailment....and choosing
instead to see oneself as a recipient of an albeit unasked for and to this
point incomprehesible gift and proceeding to explore that gift and its
lessons with as open a heart and mind as is possible. Energetically, speaking
 body/mind medicine again, that keeps the immune system up and healthy and
avoids the pitfall of depression and despair which actually contributes more
to morbidity in disease processes at times than the disease itself. The
system just gives up and caves in on its own healing power.

No intention to trivialize or polyanna stuff or denial...just a
different perspective on the impact of attitude on healing and what the Pope
might be talking about....