

At 09:17 PM 10/17/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Jo "cheers"...
>Do not be put out by Our Holy Father, the Pope's
>seemingly welcome acceptance of PD (all caps).
>Both religion and psychiatry, seems to me, promote
>(or should I  say advocate) a sort of sublimation
>of life's  afflictions in order, I think, to find a reasonable
>mode of coping.  It's a personal matter ... each to his own
I think that everyone on this list respects an individual's personal method
of coping with an affliction.  When a personage of the Pope's celebrity and
respectability makes public statements, it is no longer a "personal" matter.

>mode of swatting the green fly.
>Carry on @
>[log in to unmask]  (mary)