

to Brian / will / Will / Jack / and all the others
who have been commenting on When and Which medications
and in What sequence and What is the best way to take them

I would like to join the ongoing discussion with  these
12 suggestions  (based on my experience with Parkinsons)

When and how to start levodopa (Sinemet).

1When the symptoms are interfering with work or play.

2When your neurologist is not at a conference or on holiday

3If you are under 70 it doesn't hurt to try selegiline, amantidine or an
anticholinergic first. See rule 8.

4Controlled Release Sinemet can cause problems for elderly parkis.

5Start levodopa very very slowly and always with food.

6Long time Parkis with leather stomachs  can take it without food.

7Increase the quantity taken very very slowly---like every 4-6 days

8It is not good to take a little of everything, keep it simple is a good

9If possible, don't change two kinds of pill at the same time

10But if you are taking another anti-Parkinson pill you may become
over-medicated, and should cut back. See rule 2.

11Don't be in a rush to say it doesn't work. It may take a month or more
for you to adjust and be comfortable.

12 Because every person differs in their reaction to Parkinson medications,
keep a record of how *you* react.

Anne Rutherford  <<aruther@nlnet>>