

  I'm not an MD so I shouldn't comment on your mom's health except to say
that I don't think it is unusual for someone's "other" symptons to be more
active during  and following a medical crisis like a hip replacement,
especially if your mom is the stoic type. A hip replacement is major
surgery  even if they are discharged from the hospital within 2-3
days.Essential tremor does respond negatively to stress both of the
physical and emotional kind. And I'm sure her diabeties may be contributing
to her generally unsettled state.
  One other note and this is personal; I had a diagnosis of Complex
Familial Tremor{A slight variation of Essential Tremor] since I was a
little kid and wasn't diagmosed with PD until I was 44. Some times it takes
a long time coming but with a competent Neurologist good nutrition,regular
exercise, the right medications,a supportive family and a sense of humor
she can  expect  to live for many productive years regardless of the
eventual diagnosis. I wish her and you and her other family members the
best of luck.
     George Lussier[[log in to unmask]]

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