

I've been participating in the pramipexole study at WashU, yet have been=20
experiencing increasing disability: insomnia, distonia, incrased "off"=20
periods and more dyskinesia.  Had my three month appointment last=20
Wednesday and received enough medication to last until my next visit in=20
the form of six bottles: two each marked 1, 2, and 3.  Since this was=20
never done before, I mistakenly matched a 1 and a 2, meaning in effect=20
that I was getting two doses of the stronger medication instead of a=20
combo of the strong and weaker.  I didn't discover it until today, almost=
a week later.  The only thing I'd noticed is that I was suddenly much=20
better: I slept well at night, had no distonia, experienced=20
practically no off periods or dyskinesia, and could get by with less=20
sinement..  The obvious conclusion is that=20
I've been undermedicated all along and need to increase the pramipexole.

Alas, because I'm part of a research study, I can't make any changes in=20
the protocol until the drug is marketed, which may not be for another=20
year or so.  This seems inhumane to say the least, since my symptoms are=20
seriously interfering with my life.  It is, of course, a Catch 22=20
situation because if I quit the study to continue with the stronge dosage=
I won't be able to get the medicine anymore.

Does anyone have a resolution to thi=D53=D5[a=C6^=C3=DBX]=D3 It would seem =
to me that=20
the fact that increasing my dosage had such a positive impact on my=20
symptoms would be valuable info for the study.  Instead, it must be=20
ignored and I have to go back to being disabled. That strikes me as=20
inhumane to say the least..
