

At 07:20 10/14/96 -0400, Brian Collins wrote:
>c) Watch out for Parlodel -I do have personal experience of that and it is BAD.
>   I have only ever encountered one person (He is on this list) who has a good
>   word for Parlodel, and I have had many bad reports
Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]

        Make that two persons!  Jeannette was placed on Parlodel in 1982 by
        Dr. Janovick at Houston and has been on it since.  As her PD has
        progressed we have altered the dosage to give her the better
        response just as we have the Sinemet.

        She still drives, shops till she drops and tends her gardens after
        20 years diagnosed with PD.

        Like we have said over and over again, it is a very individualistic
        disease and reactions to the medications are much the same.

        Best wishes........Jack