

>On Sat, 19 Oct 1996, Martin Bayne wrote:
>> As Americans, we have this interesting way of insisting that the
>> Universe operate in a fashion consistent with our whims. Take the Pope.
>> (why do I suddenly feel like Henny Youngman)? I'm not a Catholic, but
>> give me a break and cut this guy some slack. If he doesn't want to
>> announce to the world that he has PD, why is it so hard to honor his
>> request? Yes, I'm grateful for what Ali has done to further our cause,
>> but that was *his* call. The fact that we have Parkinson's ENTITLES US
>> TO NOTHING - we have no special rights, demands or accommodations.
>> Now, having stepped down from my soap box, I will only say...
>> Crush the Evil Atlanta Empire -- Go Yankees!

>From David Robert Austin:
>   C'mon, Martin, give Atlanta some slack (too.)

Hey Guys,
The rumor going around here is that all 12 year-olds will not be
admitted to any of the games.  Is this true????

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)