

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996 19:39:50 -0400
MhDavila wrote:

>Your list indicates that Salmon, Shaddegg,, & Hayworth aren't co-signers.
>Hayworth cosigned the Udall Bill.
>According to Shadegg, he agreed to cosign and there was some mix-up (maybe
> at the sponsors' end) where his name was inadvertantly left off. His staff
>explained they'll correct the situation in January - but that he's
> definately agreed to 'cosign'.
> Salmon gave us "his word" that he'd co-sign the Udall bill, then turned
>around and signed up with Smith (so much for his word!)It's too bad, Salmon
>is "unopposed" in his quest to continue in his position.

Thank you Maryhelen,

My list was not intended to be COMPLETE -- it was only a partial list
'featuring' the freshperson(thanks, JC)class. There is also a Rep.list for:
1/open seats, 2/seeking higher office, 3/retired/resigned, 4/not
renominated, 5/veteran imcumbents. These are designations that website uses.

On October 4, Mary Yost posted a complete list of representatives who
co-signed the Udall bill, she even included email addresses so you may
contact them more easily. As I offered before, I will be more than happy to
send you specific election information about your district/state if you
desire ---just email me and let me know.

I am helping Jim Cordy organize an Electronic Advocates list. Ideally, we
would like to have one person per district who could be responsible to
disseminate information. One of the BIG unknowns is the geographic coverage
the membership of this listserv of ours provides. We know how many people
are on the list from Italy or New Zealand, but NOT who lives in Alabama or
Wyoming!  Since not everybody is fortunate enough to be email connected, we
also need a list of Support Groups & their membership, so that contact can
be made by phone or smail.

Please send [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] your State, district #,
zip code and indicate if you would be willing to participate in grassroot
advocacy. There is a need for involvement from EVERYBODY, even if it is
simply to make one phone call when needed. Your suggestions are sought, so
please think about our welfare as a group and participate as a visionary
and caring individual!
Hoping to hear from EVERYBODY -- I have a Directory all set up to receive
the information.

Margaret Tuchman(54yrs,dx1980)
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