


How nice that you've found our little corner of Cyberspace!   Despite your
being an "old hand" at dealing with the daily ins 'n outs of Parkinson's,
you'll nonetheless find new information here to be the very latest, the wit
and wisdom of this group to be very wise, indeed, with off-the-wall humor to
be as silly as it comes, with the laughter joyous no matter what our
respective bodies feel like,
the compasson boundless, and last-but-not-least, you'll find more women named
Barbara here then you ever believed posible! <giggle>

Per your comment about wanting to correspond with someone with similar PD
experiences, well, m'dear, I found some remarkable similarities between us in
your comments...

I'm 53, have had PD for about 21 years, my 2 daughters were about same age as
your kids when I became the unwilling host to this uninvited "guest," and am
hanging in there.  Hadda unilateral pallidotomy 2 years ago with excellent
results, and mostly have decent, if not great days (tho not a lotta sleep at
nite!) <rueful smile>.  I still lead an active life for the most part.. tho
battle intermittant profound fatigue daily.  I might add, the neurosurgeon
forgot to implant a spell-checker as I'd requested (grinning) so my spelling
hasn't improved at all!! <'nother grin>

Should ya care to drop me an email, my Internet address is below.  In either
case, it's great to see ya here as part oof our group.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Barbara Patterson
Sent:   Friday, October 25, 1996 4:42 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Letter of introduction (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 15:35:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: GLLJLL <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Letter of introduction

Dear Barbara,

I am excited and happy to be a new subscriber to this list.  I am also
very new to the world of the personal computer and am trying to learn
through the help of my son via long distance phone calls.  I'm sure I
will make lots of mistakes but know the end result will be more than worth
the effort I put into it.

I am a 53 year old housewife who was diagnosed with Parkinson's 20 years
ago at age 33.  At that time, I had a nine year old son and a six year old
daughter and this just didn't seem to be a bit fair to me!  After 20 years
of coping with this disease, I feel that I am probably one of the luckier
ones to still be functioning as well as I am.  I would like to correspond
with someone who also was quite young when diagnosed and has been coping
with the disease for many years.

Sincerely, Janice Longn