

I am a 50 year old, newly diagnosed PWP. My family and I have been satisfied
members of an HMO for nearly 20 years, but I have some concern about future
treatment in my health plan.  (The HMO is formerly Group Health Association
in Washington DC, but it was bought by Humana a few years ago and is
currently being sold to Kaiser Mid Atlantic.) I have a good policy that
covers medications ($5 copay per 30 days supply), but I'm pretty much locked
into this insurance because of the "pre-existing conditions" (I'm self
employed).  I like my Neurologist, but she is not a parkinson's specialist.
Even though we have always received the care we needed in the past and my
diagnosis was quite thorough and reasonably fast and accurate, I wonder
whether I will receive all specialist referrals and treatment that I may
need as the disease progresses.

I would like to know what experiences others have with getting appropriate
care in HMO's or other Managed Care providers (ppo's, etc).  Are doctors and
nurses well educated about the problems of PD?  What administrative barriers
have been encountered to get appropriate care? How have you been able to
convince the health plan to cover specialty care, new or novel treatments?
Do you receive help with non-medical aspects of care giving such as home
health aid?  Are palidotomies covered?

E.G.,  Marjorie Moorefield wrote on 10/17:

I have never trusted HMO's, and I don't have one for myself, but since DH is
older , and has been on Medicare for over 5 years we did look into Medicare
& More, which is administered by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Florida.  What
makes this different is there is no co-pay as long as you go to their
Primary Care Physicians.  They send a book and you have your choice.  The
reason we took it was my Husbands Doctor, whom he has been seeing for the
last 10 years, is on it.  Medication is free as long as you use Generic and
there is a good sized list of Pharmacies who participate also. They sent a
new book today & there are Specialists listed in it---Guess what---My
Neurologist is listed!!!!
NOW---all I have to do is survive to 65---a few more Summers such as this
one & I won't make it!!!! But at least I can quit wondering how I was ever
going to quit work
because of the Health Insurance. Check it out--see if you have it in your State.