

My dad who is 73 and has had PD for 15 years has a dementia that the
neuro relates to the PD.  I suspected Alzheimer's for a while and it is
similar.  I  also know he has arteriosclerosis too.  His dementia is
severe at times - he wanders off, is confused,and in strange settings
such as the hospital he gets so disoriented and even combative.  He also
has a paradoxic reaction to sleeping pills, tranquilizers, narcotics, and
even strong antihistimines.  He gets excited, agitated, and active when
given any of these.  He also had severe hallucinations from his meds
until he started Clozaril.  He is better, but still hallucinates

I know a lot of PD patients do not have dementias, so I guess it is not
universal.  Does anyone know a physiological explanation of why they
occur in some?

Gail Post
Honolulu, HI