

I'm sorry that I deleted the question about joint pain, so you'll
just have to know if this is for you.

I have Osteoarthritis, in fact, Osteoarthritis and PD are both
listed in my Americans with Disabilities Form.  I found out that
when I took a whole 25/100 Sinemet,  within the hour I would
feel the Osteoarthritis pain in my neck, vertebrates 5 & 7 really
need to be replaced, but I'm not in the mood!!!  So after about a
week of this, I decided to break the Sinemet in half before I took
them--Wonder of all wonders---it worked.  Now I never take a
whole tablet at once.  Check with your Doctor before doing this,
but had I checked with mine, he would have said "Surgery Time"
and I'm still suffering from my perforated colon surgery--Thank You
very Much!!!!!
In my own mind, I decided that it was just too much of a jolt to
my already overstressed frame!!  Only God knows if this is true,
but it worked for me!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)