

>Subject: The Pope & Billy Graham
>  I have been watching the many and varied responses to the news that
>Billy Graham and recently the Pope have PD. To my surprise, there is one
>thought that I haven't seen (and apologies if I have missed it)-
>Don't you think we ought to invite them to join the Parkinsn List?

Why Brian, what a lovely thought!!!
Would you like to do the honors?

The Miami Herald just had an article
on the Rev. Billy Graham in Sunday's
Paper.  He has fallen again, and has
either 4 cracked ribs, or 4 broken ribs--
I remember the 4 , but don't remember
if they are broken, or cracked!!!
Guess they both hurt just the same!!!
I just pray that when I'm his age I can
do as well as he does!!!!   What am I saying???
I don't do that well at 63!!!!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD) who survived her first day back to
work, after being on sick leave for 5 months,
suffering from a perforated sigmoid colon!!!!