

Good Morning, All:

As Election Day, November 5, draws closer, two important decisions need to
be made: who will represent you and your interests during the 105th
Congressional session and how can you best bring about change? I guess in
the simplest terms, you need to be informed in order to vote for those
candidates who represent your interests. Allow me to interject a few words
about myself & that great unknown, disliked and distrusted subject,
'politics'. Actually, I think the previous sentence says it all!
So, the reason I am posting on this subject is NOT because I love it, but
because it is IMPORTANT.

I hope you have noticed postings listing Senators and Representatives who
are running for office and they have been set apart with the notations:
CS=Co-sponsors, or * = Co-sponsors. You would have also seen, "co-sponsored
Chris Smith's version (HR 3514). These notations are important because they
are a signal of the past performace of the legislator in question. Important
life saving legislation has been pending in Congress since April 6, 1995
when Senator Hatfield and Representative Waxman introduced the Morris K.
Udall Parkinson's Research Bill, aka the Udall bill (HR 1462). The main
purpose of the bill was to increase the inadequate funding level to which PD
research has been relegated. Through a great deal of grassroot advocacy, the
number of cosponsors in the Senate were increased to 62, and 248
Representatives cosigned in the House. A version of the Udall bill was
included in the NIH Revitalization Act and was passed unanimously by the
Senate on September 5, 1996. The House did nothing! The Udall bill will be
reintroduced in the 105th session, and our job is to reward those
politicians who recognize our plight. The 28 legislators who cosigned Rep.
Chris Smith's version of Parkinson's Research Bill (has language limiting
the funding to disclude fetal tissue transplant) are important to our cause,
because they are dissipating our strength based on uninformed reasoning.

H.R.3514 -SPONSOR: Rep Smith, C. , (introduced 05/22/96)

Rep Volkmer D-MO-09) - 05/22/96    - withdrew from HR 1462
Rep Flanagan (R-IL05)  - 05/22/96
Rep Hayes (R-LA07)  - 06/12/96
Rep Hall, R (D-TX04)  - 06/13/96        - also co-sponsor HR 1462
Rep Barton (R-TX06) - 06/13/96
Rep Seastrand (R-CA22) - 06/13/96  - also
Rep LaFalce (D-NY29) - 06/26/96         - also
Rep Callahan  (R-AL01) - 06/26/96       - withdrew from HR 1462
Rep Hansen (R-UT01)  - 06/26/96
Rep Wolf (R-VA10) - 06/26/96            - also
Rep Lewis, R. (R-KY02)  - 06/26/96 - also
Rep Ehlers (R-MI03)- 06/26/96   - also
Rep Holden (D-PA06) - 07/10/96  - also
Rep Poshard (D-IL19) - 07/10/96 - withdrew from 1462
Rep Cunningham (R-CA51)  - 07/10/96-  also
Rep Packard (R-CA48) - 07/24/96
Rep Calvert (R-CA43) - 07/24/96  - also
Rep Stearns  (R-FL06) - 07/24/96         - withdrew
Rep Hayworth (R-AZ06) - 07/24/96         - also
Rep Bunning (R-KY04) - 07/24/96  - also
Rep Thornberry (R-TX13) - 07/24/96
Rep. Barrett, B.(R-NE03)  - 09/12/96
Rep. Bachus (R-AL06) - 09/12/96
Rep. Dickey (R-AR04) - 09/12/996
Rep. Weldon, D.  (R-FL15) - 09/17/96 - also
Rep. Salmon  (R-AZ01) - 09/17/96
Rep. Norwood (R-GA10) - 09/18/96          - also
Rep. Weldon, C. (R-PA07)  - 09/26/96 - also

Margaret Tuchman(54yrs,dx1980)
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