


Last week I subscribed to the Parkinson list.
My name is Susanna Bicknell, from Nijmegen in the Netherlands, I am 25
years old and the youngest daughter of David Bicknell, an Englishman
living in the Netherlands, who is 57 years old and was diagnosed with
Parkinson in 1992, he thinks he has had Parkinson since 1989-1990.

We think that his Parkinson is very progressive. His medication is:

Madopar HBS 125 mg, six a day
Madopar COMB 100/25 mg, six a day
Permax 0,25 mg, 12 a day


(Brady)=slowness (kinesia) in moving.
Brady kinesia: Right arm does not swing when walking, freezing, start
problems, problems turning in bed, right side of the body is affected
(Brady kinesia).
Dystonia = Right hand tented, turned in foot, incontrollable tightening
of muscles, Dyskinesia. Tremor in right arm and hand under stress.

The symptoms which I described have been given to me by my father for
my information.

The way in which I see the symptoms is:

During the day everything seems quite allright, except for some
moments. But in the evening from about 7.30 p.m. he cannot do anything
anymore, he cannot move anymore, and the way in which he describes how
he feels is that he has a lot of pain. His head and right sholder are
pushed down. For my mother and father it is very frightening in the
evenings, because my father has the idea when this is happening that he
is going to die, because he has all this pain and it seems more
difficult to breath. Sometimes he cannot go to bed and sleeps

I would like to know what you think about the amount of medication,
because it seems that everytime he talks to the doctor about how
everything is going he gets more tablets, and the tablets do not seem
to help.

I know that every person having Parkinson's is different, but could
anybody give me an idea, if the amount of medication is high, and if
you think that the way I described my fathers Parkinson's is

Greetings and thanks for any help.

Susanna Bicknell ( [log in to unmask] ) Nijmegen, the Netherlands