

I realize that I am very late in replying, but I have been away from my
computer for a week here and a week there, so my mail has piled up aI am
just getting around to using it.
David's suggestion to MaryHelen about the computer is a good one and so is
Camilla's about the notebook, but I would use an address book.  I have a
scheduler and address book both in the computer and on my book.  It really
helps to have back up!!
I started putting things like addresses and such on my computer because it
was hard to misplace my computer! :)
But it takes less time to open up a book to the address then it does to turn
a pc on then pull it up on screen.  Plus just like you can't lose a
computer, it is very hard to crash a book!  :)
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>David made a good suggestion to Maryhelen re: a record file in her computer
>of addresses of correspondents.  I'm old fashioned enough to depend on
>that stuff called PAPER (!)  so I keep that list in a notebook as a hard
>copy, and believe me it comes in handy at times! Just a thought---
>Camilla Flintermann,Cg for Peter 78/7 Oxford,OH