

At 11:52 PM 23/10/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Margaret--welcome to the PDlist, and you may also be interested in
>the CARE list forPD caregivers--yes, there is one person on it from
>Israel!  I am about the post the info again about how to join, so please watch
> for it.My husband's PD sounds a lot like your husband's as to symptoms,etc.
>Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78,7 Oxford,Ohio
Thank you Camilla! I've now joined the CARE list - it seems just what I was
looking for! Even though I'm so new to these lists (and to Internet in
general), I already feel encouraged and strengthened by the welcome and
responses I've received so far. I look forward to my future contacts with
this new "family".

        Best wishes to all,   Margaret.