

Dear Barb,

Thank you very much for your warm and humorous letter.  Your "giggle" made
ME giggle!  You had alot of very nice things to say about the Parkinson
List Service and I am excited to find them all out myself.  I am just
learning about computers and Internet but Parkinson's has been an integral
part of my world for over 20 years.  I was diagnosed at age 33 but had the
beginning symptoms for a couple of years before that.  It's hard to
believe, but at that time I didn't have a clue what Parkinson's Disease
was and certainly never knew anyone who had it. Of course, now I know I
have many comrads out there who share many of the same up's and down's
that I have.  What a wonderful service the Internet provides us that
enables us to communicate our thoughts to one another!  In just two days,I
have already made five new friends, including you, Barb.

Since we share similar"histories", I was very glad to hear you are doing
so well.  Although I am still doing quite well with my medications, it is
reassuring to hear  about the Pallidal surgeries.  I look forward to
finding out more about them.  I also have alot of topics I hope to bring
before the forum but will save them for a later time when I'm a little bit
more sure of what I'm doing.

Signing off from Kalamazoo, Michigan.  (Yes, there really IS a Kalamazoo!)

Sincerely, Janice Long