

Regarding recent mail on Dementia, the Parkinsons web site at:

<>   gives the following
quote on the subject.

Dementia (senility) consists of difficulty with memory. recognition!
abstraction. and calculation. It may also be associated with confusion and
disorientation. Senility, when present. occurs among elderly patients in the
later stages of PD. However. it is erroneous to assume that senility is an
inevitable outcome. Furthermore. in cases of PD with senility, the senility
ranges from mild to a more marked decline.

Many physicians believe that the more common form of Parkinson's Disease
(without senility) differs from those cases with senility. PD without
senility usually begins in patients in their 40s, 50s, and 60s! runs a long
course; and responds well to medications. PD with senility begins in older
people and usually runs a shorter and more severe course. The senility of PD
may resemble Alzheimer's Disease.

Wishes to all,

Ernie Peters ([log in to unmask])