

On Mon 21 Oct, Marty Rose wrote:
> There has been alot of "chat" lately about carbidopa and the effects of
> having too much.  Can anyone tell me what the symptoms of this?  I am
> taking 51/2 to 6 Sinemet 25/100 per day and having lots of problems with
> dyskenesia and on and off times.  Could a reduction in the carbidopa
> have a positive effect?  I am wondering if I should ask my neruo to
> chang to 10/100 pills instead.
> Any insight is appreciated.
> Marty Rose
> [log in to unmask]
Hello Marty.   Although your Carbidopa intake is a little higher than the
optimum level, I doubt that it is causing your problem.  The main
complaint of those with a very high Carbidopa intake seems to be
tiredness or feelings of listlessness.

I think that it is much more likely that you have reached the stage where
you can no longer tolerate the sizeable swings of levodopa flow rate
caused by your use of the Sinemet 25/100 tablets, even though your total
daily intake is relatively modest at 600 mg/day. Don't get too worried
though, there are still a few things we can do to keep going.

I would say that you are an ideal candidate for my computer program,
which is designed to assist in determining the optimum regime of tablets
to suit your needs-  It will call for some effort from you in recording
your condition (overdosed, underdosed etc) through the day, for a total ofmaybe 5 days, and I do the rest. Are you interested in trying it?

(The reason for the inability to tolerate a dosage regime which just a
few months ago seemed perfectly OK is explained in the chart which I
offered to anyone who asked for it on October 13). The response to this
offer was a totally underwhelming 6 requests. I take that to mean that
most folk out there are more interested in finding out 'how to fix it',
rather than understanding 'why it won't go'. ('It' being this pesky
brain of ours)

Regards,  Brian Collins
Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]