

Margaret Tuchman, so graciously and generously has provided us with the
names of the U.S. Senators and Freshperson Congressperson's who may or may
not have helped our 'cause' in the 104th Congress. It is up to us, now, to
ring the Pavlovian bell, BEFORE THE ELECTION.

We have one more opportunity to IMPLANT the "P" word in the mind of the
staffs of the Congressmen and Senators and also their campaign organizations.

REGARDLESS of your political the local office of your
reprsentatives and tell them that you have or are a caregiver for someone
with Parkinson's. You either thank them for co-sponsoring the Udall bill or
standing up for Parkinson's research in the NIH Revitalization bill....IF
THEY HAVE, OR if they haven't, THANK them for their other Efforts, this
session. If they haven't supported us this year, express the hope that they
will help us increase funding for RESEARCH in finding the cure.

YOUNG ONSET Parkinsonians....tell them how Parkinson's has effected your
families income...How finding the cure could restore your family's ability
to achieve the "American Dream". No one "MAKES MONEY" on disability!

CEMEMT your words to action by asking if there is some way that YOU could
help in the Campaign even if it is just putting a small sign in your yard.
Support groups need to use the same strategy.......with numbers Parkinson's
becomes PARKINSON'S.

When election time gets here....the ballot box is secret....:) VOTE YOUR

John Cottingham    To search the Parkinsn archive, send search requests
                   to [log in to unmask] with Archive Search as the subject.
LibraryH           Searches of the Subject: line, From: line and Body are
                   possible. Look for "Revised Current Topics...." message
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