

At 08:22  25/10/96 -0400, Kathie Tollifson wrote:
>Autopsies have shown high concentrations of iron in the parkinsonian brain,

This just gets better and better...iron deficiency seems to be a cause of
RLS, but it would appear that Parkinsonians should avoid iron supplements,
and/or foods containing iron. Talk about a Catch-22.....

>Our Young Onset group is actually researching ways to
>reduce the possibility of iron entering the brain i.e. the possibility that
>Vit C facilitates this....

I hope your findings will be reported to the list.

>I had very good success with NADH for RLS, it took a little while, but I
>have little to no trouble with RLS now. It used to make nights a horror.
>NADH is relatively harmless, and is helping many of us.

I know there must be a lot of information in our archives about NADH, so
that will be my next stop. Since I haven't seen any of the reports you
mention about iron in the parkinsonian brain, do you have anything you could
send me?

Thanks for the info, Kathie.

Keep well,
