


According to some recent (refereed) research I uploaded to this listserver a
few weeks ago, the hereditary component of PD results from defects in the
mitochondrial DNA.  If this research is accurate, then any genetic tendency
toward PD will be derived entirely from the mother's side.  The mutated
mitochondian DNA in and of itself cannot be the sole cause of PD.  It may
only make a person more susceptible to PD.

There are many possible causes of tremors other than PD.

Hope this helps.

                Ron Reiner (48 + 1yr)

At 02:32 PM 10/28/96 -0500, you wrote:
>The other day one of my sons , Mark asked me about what sounded like a resting
> tremor in his left hand. Since this seemed to be a very occasional thing I
> told him to keep a record of the occasions , but not to be to concerned.
>       I got to thinking about Mark, Then I started to worry about Mark. Now I
> am starting to worry about Mark's Identical twin brother Ken. Mark and Ken are
> 35 years old . I was diognosed with Parkinsons when I was about 57.
>         Does anyone have any thoughts.
>                                Thanks for listening
>                                              Ted Nelson