

In november, Suraiya's permax will be substituted for a new drug called
tolcapone (hopefully my spelling is correct). She was wondering if anyone
has had any experience or knew anything about this new drug.

Suraiya has been altering between good and bad days. She says she has been
feeling very depressed lately and is not sure if it is that she is
depressed because of her PD or if it is a product of her PD. Her husband
(my father-in-law) chalks it up to post-wedding let down (Their son and I
just got married a month ago), but she doesn't think so (and she should
know best, eh?) She has become rather frustrated with PD, she experiences
more and more freezing episodes--cannot get up from the seated position,
etc... She has been taking NADH supplements for the past 3 weeks and
notices an energy boost when she does. She says her flexiblity seems to
improve. I get the impression that she doesn't like permax (the way she
feels when she takes it), so her neuro recommended this new med (tolcapone).