

Ernie, m'dear... you're no doubt referring to corollaries 2 and 3 of the well
known law called the "Dammit, It Was Here a Minute Ago Law."  Corollary 1 is
"Reading Glasses are Inanimate Objects Until You Take 'em off and Place Them
on the Nightstand, and Then They Become Alive and Move Somewhere Else."

I'm sure, given the size of this group, and the lively imaginations involved
(including those who also have halucinations) <grinning> others can come up
with additional Laws and/or corollaries (HINT HINT).

Barb Mallut,
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Ernie Peters
Sent:   Tuesday, October 29, 1996 10:33 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: lights & panic attacks & PD

Hi Barbara,

You are quite right to say that we cannot blame sneezing from light exposure
on PD.

Apparently, the reason for light induced sneezing is that the optic nerves
run close to the nasal organ nerves and one can get a sort of "breakthrough"
trigger if the optic nerve is over stimulated.  A friend of mine almost
always sneezes (3 times  - no more no less) when he looks towards the sun
(he does not have PD).

BTW, I freely admit that I am not the world's tidiest person, (Well alright
I'm untidy.. <grin) but I have noticed 2 laws on the subject of finding

1.  As soon as you throw away that item you never used for ages and ages -
You need it!

2.  Everything will be correctly in it's place EXCEPT the item you just
happen to need at that moment!



>Before we all begin to compare the number of times we sneeze upon stepping
>outside into the sunlight, I guess you'd all  better know THIS is one thing
>CAN'T blame on PD!! <grin>
>A coupla years ago (darn... I KNEW I should've saved the article for future
>reference), I read in one of the respected monthly magazines that over 50
>percent of the world's population (including myself) has a sensitivity to the
>sun upon going from inside to outside.   Those individuals react by sneezing
>within a few moments of stepping into the sunlight.
>No biggee... and not at all PD related apparently.  Kids sneeze, anceint
>grannies sneze, young teens sneeze, LOTS of us allllllllllll around the world
>sneeze when we go from inside to outside, into the sunlight.
>Barb Mallut,
>[log in to unmask]
>From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on
>of Dick Swindler
>Sent:   Monday, October 28, 1996 10:48 AM
>To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
>Subject:        Re: lights & panic attacks & PD
>I too sneeze two or three times when going from darkness to bright sunlight.
> Parkinson's meds are known to cause sensitivity to light, I'm told.  (But my
>wife swears I've always done this, before I was ever diagnosed).  Dick
Ernie Peters ([log in to unmask])