

Lynda.... Don't forget Corollary 15-A, either.. THAT'S the one that goes
something like, "The more weight you're trying to lose, the cheaper Sara Lee
rpoducts are in the market."  If I remember correctly, 15-B is "When you hit
your target weight after a diet, Sara Lee products are then FREE at your
market for as long as you can maintain that target weight."

DARN!  Sara Lee has NEVER lost any money 'cause of ME! <giggle>


From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Lynda McKenzie
Sent:   Tuesday, October 29, 1996 10:19 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Corollaries 17 A & B

Barb, you mentioned the
>  "Dammit, It Was Here a Minute Ago Law."  Corollary 1 is
>"Reading Glasses are Inanimate Objects Until You Take 'em off and Place Them
>on the Nightstand, and Then They Become Alive and Move Somewhere Else."

AHHH yes, and then there's Corollary 17A.........which refers to the

         "Purchasing of an Unusual Ingredient Because All of the Recipes You
Read Seem to Call for it, Only to Find OutThat Once You Get it Home All of
Said Recipes Have Disappeared Into Thin Air"

followed by Corollary 17B

       "The More Unique the Food Item the More Likely it is to
Mould/Atrophy/Disintigrate/ or Start to Smell Really Bad Before You Get a
Chance to Use It".

sometimes I wonder about the persuasive powers of  little gremlin who whispers
"Buy it!  Buy it! in my ear as I stroll down the International Foods isle at
my supermarket.
