

This was very popular at the YAPP&RS conference, and caused many laughs.
Poor Pope!  However when I returned home there was a gif file that you had
sent which I could not download and blocked my mailbox.  The server had to
trash all the messages, so I missed the delights that  the file might have
been.  I have no idea why I couldn't download it, but please let me know
what I missed.??!!
Thanks and best wishes, emma

>"David Letterperson's Top Ten Reasons the Pope Is Better Off With Parkinson's
>Than I Am"
>1. When the Pope says, "Why me, Lord?" he gets an answer.
>2. Since he wears robes, he doesn't have to fumble with his
>    zipper when he needs to pee.
>3. Driving or travelling is not an obstacle since the Pope-Mobile
>    and Vatican-Force-One are always at his disposal
>4. Medical coverage is not a worry due to the Catholic church's
>    savings account(s).
>5. Slow body movements are interpreted as "deliberate" and
>    "solemn"
>6. Trembling extremities are easily hidden by long flowing clothing
>7. Sleeping doesn't pose a problem since he can buy the best bed
>    around and get people to "flip him like a pancake" during the night.
>8. Since he has complete control over his itinerary, he can explore
>    the effectiveness of fava beans without social ramifications.
>9. Bobbing head movements can be seen as  deep understanding
>    of any given topic.
>10. Long robes hide daily choice of footwear (Air-Jordans or flip-flops)