

Hi everyone!  My name is Teresa and I am thirty-two years old and
have PD.  I am a new list member.  I've had Parkinson's for
thirteen years, and on January 30, 1996, I had a pallidotomy (which
was very successful).  My brother has also been diagnosed with PD,
and even though I am younger, my disease is much more advanced.

I will be very honest with you; the first several years of this
disease almost killed me.  I had no idea what was wrong with me. I
had developed severe tremors, rigidity and balance problems and as
things got worst - freezing.  I couldn't hold down a job, in fact I
completely stopped going out in public, I became very irritable,
and my family was not being supportive.  I sank into depression.
In a period of 4 years, I tried to kill myself 5 times.

It was during a time of deep dispair that I turned to God and
accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior.  My life has not been the
same since.  I stopped focusing on my resentment and started
focusing on Jesus.  I asked Him to help me understand who He is.
I bought a Bible and read it over and over, until His words became
my song. As I trusted in Christ for my day to day survival, things
started happening:  I found a neurologist who eventually made the
right diagnosis and started me on Sinemet.  I was able to start
walking again without the aide of a walker.  I attended college for
two years and after a job became available at my uncle's company, I
decided to leave college and join the ranks of working
professionals.   Soon thereafter, I was able to move out from my
parents house into my own apartment.  I met a wonderful man at work
who I married a year later.  He's been very supportive of me, as my
Parkinson's continues to progress.  But, the most beautiful thing
over everything else is how Christ filled my heart with love.   And
though this disease continues to plague me, I know that my redeemer
loves me and will never leave me, that when this life is over, I
will certainly be with Him and there will be no more suffering.  A
lot of people go through this life with relative ease and good
health yet they continue to reject Jesus and His promise of
salvation - to me that would be a curse!

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing
with the glory that will be revealed in us."  Romans 8:18