

In message <[log in to unmask]> Melissa Gooding writes:
> Hi.  Are you the Jeremy on Roperinerol?
> You are suppose to keep us posted on the new therapy...anything to report?

Yes, indeed. I have now been taking Ropinirole (ReQuip) for 9 days - one
week at 1 x .25mg tablet 3 times a day. This week I'm on 2 tabs, 3 times a day,
next week I go on to 3 x 3 and week four it's 4 x 3 per day.

So far I seem to have had NO effects - either good or bad! My tremor is
worse but I put that down to coming off Pergolide. I'm still taking
250mg Madopar (L-dopa + benserazide) three times a day. I'm not
suffering either the stomach pains I got with Pergolide, nor the
confusion, fear and loss of memory which that seemed to give me.

Or maybe I'm too confused to know any better :-)))

So far so good. I'll pass on more results as & when I have anything.

All the best.

Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
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Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)