

At 02:32  28/10/96 -0500, TEDN wrote:
>The other day one of my sons , Mark asked me about what sounded like a resting
>tremor in his left hand. Since this seemed to be a very occasional thing I
>told him to keep a record of the occasions , but not to be to concerned.
>I got to thinking about Mark, Then I started to worry about Mark. Now I
>am starting to worry about Mark's Identical twin brother Ken. Mark and Ken are
>35 years old . I was diognosed with Parkinsons when I was about 57.
>Does anyone have any thoughts?

Dear Ted,
You gave your son some very good advice, and now I'm going to ask you to
follow your own advice. Of course, we know this is easier said than done.

We PWP are aware of the hereditary possibility, and though I may be a
'cockeyed optimist,' I prefer to believe that this is not the case. There
are so many other factors being researched.

As parents, I'm sure we all wonder about our children, and grandchildren,
whether there are any signs of the "P" monster lurking about or not. Until the
cause and cure are found, it will be that way for us.

At this point, you and your family cannot help but be concerned, but that
you have Parkinson's is a given, and that in itself is difficult enough for
you. IF Mark's tremor worsens, and/or other symptoms present themsleves,
(and I pray this does not happen) you will cross that bridge when you come
to it, just as you did when you made the decision to have a pallidotomy. I
can only say, please try to be optimistic, and try not to worry about
something that 'might' be.

>Thanks for listening

Anytime...and on those days when things just get too heavy, remember all the
friends you have on this list.

Keep in touch.
