

Hi everyone! I'm Bill, pleased to meetcha. I am 40 years old and have PD
for  10 years now. Whomever Parkinson is he's welcome to have it back.
Ha-ha? Seriously, I am going through a tough time now. At the risk of
boring you, a litte background. Yes, I am young to have Parkinson's
and  it has progressed quite quickly, probably due to my being an ideal
role  model of what NOT to do. The stories I could tell you... After 5
years or so with PD I had to give up a promising  career as an
accountant, and a job I loved. Speaking of love, my wife was the ideal
care giver up until we seperated about 18 months ago. Divorce is an
unfortunately inevitable conclusion  to our 20 years+ relationship.
I still  love her and miss her and my two sons tremendously. I blame
myself,not PD OR  her. Somewhere along the way  her love died and she
stayed longer than she should have. (Short break to cry and feel sorry
for myself) Does anyone else get these damn mood swings? Depression has
been a major problem for me. One attempted suicide before  she left 3
since.  She  left a few weeks  before
I was scheduled for brain surgery. 3 days later I was  in intensive care
again and spent the rest of my wait in  the psyche ward. I hid my recent
history and had the Pallidotomy  on one side. It was a  tremendous
success physically but was too late to save my  marriage. I gambled away
my share of our life long savings, ran up my credit cards to maximum then
drove my beloved sports car into the lake. Back to  hospital. Discharged,
lifeon my own,  too difficult, drug overdose. Discharged, erratic
behaviour lead  to being committed. After 80 days of hell, I finally
turned to God for help and fought my  commital and was released. My
finances are controlled by a trustee, while  I file for bankruptcy,
await my divorce, living on my own is a challenge I try to face one
day ata time. I feel I desperately need to have the Pallidotomy
procedure repeated on the other side to cope adeequately but my doctors
don't feel the risk is warranted. I am willing to put my faith in God to
guide the surgeons hands and am not afraid to die. I do spend much of
each day in fear of being unable to reach my pills or the phone...
On the positive side I'm free (to starve or freeze to death; ha-ha) or
die of loneliness (NOT suicide,I will NEVER give up). I go to church
when I can, and write poetry when I'm inspired. There's something, I've
dicovered an ability to write that combined with a great friend (with
PD) who does tremendous abstract art has allowed us to form a very
successful art exhibit we have displayed many times. We are in the midst
of pulishing a portfolio of our combined work. We will soon be publishing
a book. I did not write this to promote either I mention them as part of
this much too lengthy letter. Perhaps some of you can benefit from this
somehow, I thank you for your time.