

On Mon 28 Oct, Marjorie Moorefield wrote:
> I'm sorry that I deleted the question about joint pain, so you'll
> just have to know if this is for you.
> I have Osteoarthritis, in fact, Osteoarthritis and PD are both
> listed in my Americans with Disabilities Form.  I found out that
> when I took a whole 25/100 Sinemet,  within the hour I would
> feel the Osteoarthritis pain in my neck, vertebrates 5 & 7 really
> need to be replaced, but I'm not in the mood!!!  So after about a
> week of this, I decided to break the Sinemet in half before I took
> them--Wonder of all wonders---it worked.  Now I never take a
> whole tablet at once.  Check with your Doctor before doing this,
> but had I checked with mine, he would have said "Surgery Time"
> and I'm still suffering from my perforated colon surgery--Thank You
> very Much!!!!!
> In my own mind, I decided that it was just too much of a jolt to
> my already overstressed frame!!  Only God knows if this is true,
> but it worked for me!!!
> As Ever,
> Marjorie Moorefield
> just another librarian
> (with PD)
Hello Marjorie, you may like to know that in breaking your tablets in half
(and I assume taking the halves at twice the frequency) you have made the
first step in the process of confining your input doses so that they do
not exceed the green dotted line on the chart that I sent you. No need to
be concerned though; after 15 years of levodopa, I am still managing to
thread my way through the gap.
    I also have neck trouble - cervical spondylitis, I think, caused by the
constant pressure  of the tense shoulder muscles: The pads between the
vertebrae are collapsing, putting pressure on some nerves. My doctor says
that I have a neck like a professional soccer player - If you have seen
how they head that heavy ball, you will know what he means!
Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]