

I sent part of the responses from those of you who had difficulty
connecting to the new Iter web site to Bill Bowen, the originator. You'll
find his reply below. Hope it helps!

On a purely administrative note, I have been solicited by a new Web
service which is offering to index list archives on web sites (it's a new
commercial venture which is providing some academic/non-profit Internet
services to the educational market while making their money from
commercial sites; sort of like AltaVista, I gather). I have written back
to express interest, and am hoping that we'll have more accessible
archives soon.


Records of Early English Drama/ Victoria College/ 150 Charles Street W
Toronto Ontario Canada
Phone (416) 585-4504/FAX (416) [log in to unmask] => REED's home page => REED-L's home page => our theatre resource page

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 20:22:44 -0005
From: "William R. Bowen" <[log in to unmask]>
To: Abigail Ann Young <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Iter

Hi Abigail,
The short answer to some of the queries is that users should read the status
report and other documentation that is on the Iter web site. There
they will find a list of journals from which we have taken citations
for articles. In the near future we will circulate an invitation to
the community to propose which journals we should tackle next --
this may be of interest to your list and the special interests of its

Also, it should be emphasized that the Iter web site is a test site
for a product which will be more stable in a few months. In the
meantime, we are changing things. For example, the search
screens have been  redesigned in the last few weeks and will
continue to change as we develop the system. So, there will be brief
moments when the database is not available because we are working on its
fundamental structure. Any substantial problems should be reported to
Iter  so that we can find out where the problem
lies: an email link is set up on the web pages for easy use.



William R. Bowen
Scarborough College and Faculty of Music
University of Toronto

University of Toronto: [log in to unmask]
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