

Dear Heike

Hallo again!  The General Editor is Prof. Meg Twycross, Dept of English,
University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YT, from whom a style sheet is available
on request, but contributions can be sent to her or to Prof Peter Meredith,
School of English, University of Leeds LS2 9JT or to Dr Sarah Carpenter, Dept
of English Literature, University of Edinburgh, David Hume Tower, George Square,
Edinburgh EH8 9JX.  If you are sending word processed material, the preferred
format is Word 6 for Windows.  If you are sending it in any other format, please
also supply hard copy.  E mail is [log in to unmask]

Best wishes

> Dear all,
> I'm currently working on an essay which I'd like to send to _Medieval
> English Theatre_ to see if they might consider publishing it. Now I
> don't know how to go about this and whom to contact; could someone
> tell me the name and address of the editor(s)?
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Heike Holenweg
> University of Jena, Germany
> [log in to unmask]