

On Sun 03 Nov, Jim Finn wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 24, 1996, I underwent the new, highly experimental, and
> much talked
> about procedure for the implant of pig fetus brain cells.
> I will endeavor to keep you posted as to my progress, or lack thereof.
> Jim Finn
> E-Mail   < [log in to unmask] >
Jim, thank you for a truly fascinating account of yuor operation. I am not
very far behind you in my symptoms, and it is thanks to the courage of people
like you that I can look to the future and see a light -albeit a very  dim one
- at the end of the tunnel. Do please keep us informed about your future
experiences. I am sure that you are right about the length of time required
before a change can be identified - It takes time for a new neural network to
form, and integrate with the brain in the case of human fetal cell transplants
and I see no reason why you should be different.
I wish you the very best of luck,
Brian Collins,

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>