

Because of the discussion here, I suggested that folks on the CARE list
share their feelings about this term. There have been a number of responses,
and no one seems to object to using Caregiver to describe ONE of our roles,
and WHAT WE DO.   I asked Peter what he thought, and he liked it also. We
do not feel it implies a paid CG,or in any way rules out the other aspects of
our relationship, and recognize that often caregiving is mutual. It is up to
individuals to choose the label they prefer, obviously, but for the general
use of the list it seems CG will serve. As for the term"carer" which is used
in some countries, Peter's comment was that it sounds as no one else "cares"
but that person.  "Different strokes for different folks!"
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7,Oxford OH