

The election is here.  Voting is essential.  Vote for friends of Parkisons
I guess by definition our choices are limited to politicians:

               ****  THE OPERATION  ****

   A politician awoke in a hospital bed after a complicated operation,
   and found that the curtains were drawn around him. "Why are the
   curtains closed," he said. "Is it night?"

   A nurse replied, "No, it is just that there is a fire across the
   street, and we didn't want you waking up and thinking that the
   operation was unsuccessful."

A DEMOCRATIC HOUSE would help pass the Udall bill in the next (105th)
congress.  Although we have had many Republican supporters (e.g. McDade,
PA),  the fact is the Republican leadership (Bliley, VA and Bilirakis, FL)
did not move the bill inspite of significant majorities of members from the
committees and the full House who co-sponsored the bill.

... Perry Cohen