

Dawn King wrote:
> I'm wondering what side-effects might occur from taking hormone replacement
> therapy.  My gynacologist recommends I begin a course of rht to avoid
> potential ostioarthritis, etc. - does anyone on the list have any experience
> with this.  Thankyou.
> Dawn

I have been on HRT for several years now.  First with premaring and
prgesterone, and now the estrogen patch only.  I found that the
progesterone phase of th cycle made my PD symptoms worse on a regular
basis, and since this disease is quite enough to deal with on its own I
decided I didn't need that to cope with as well.  Some Drs. won't put
you on just estrogen, but the 1-2%risk of anything developin as a result
of this approach seemed small in comparison with the benefits and the
avoidance of making PD worse.

Marty Rose