

Charles Meyer wrote

>Seasonal Affective disorder affilcts I believe  about 10% of the
>Because of
>our disordered neurotransmitters we with PD have a high incidence of
>clinical depression. In my experience SAD is often superimposed ove
>preexisting or coexisting clinical depression.  Light therapy and/or
>antidepressants are usually useful.

Thanks for your note - I did not see it until today (Tuesday) due to trouble
collecting my e-mail so apologies for the delay.

The part about SAD being superimposed over clinical depression provoked some
thought. I've never considered of myself being mood depressed or miserable
(internally!) but for a long time before PD was diagnosed I showed the
outward signs of depression - ie avoiding physical and social activities,
slow thinking etc whch I FELT was physical rather than a mood problem.

Oddly, eight years ago, after starting Sinemet and Propranolol (both of which
seem to be suspected of causing depression ) I did experience mood depression
in the summer - at the same time my tremor and slow movement had improved.
 This mood problem has never returned, thank God, but I can sympathise with
anyone who has it - I'd prefer the physical problems any day.

Then again the first year on Eldepryl (which is said to have antidepressant
properties) was the best for a long, long, time.More energy and go and less
fatigue.  Unfortunately this effect wore off but it was a good year.

I'm going to take up your suggestions about light therapy and physicians amd
will write about the results in a couple of months (say early in the new

Best wishes

John Meagher, Preston, UK

PS I caught part of an item on BBC TV's 'Tomorrows World'  program  tonight .
It was about treatment for depression, in perhaps Mexico or Spain,  using a
magnetic device held near the head. They showed scans of increased activity
in the brain and mentioned success in 80 percent of patients.Did anyone else
in UK see this and get more detail??

Guy Fawkes night tonight, fireworks and bonfires

John Meagher
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