

        Sorry, I just had to get that out of my head and into yours.I know
that the loss of any of our senses can leave us feeling rather depleted.I
think, however,that I came up with a sort of unique explanation of what
happened to my sense of smell and how I got it back.....I've always belived
that my basic senses have been been dulled by the chronic tension that
existed in my family while I was growing up. For days I would funtion well
enough and for the next few days I might go into a tail spin. After years
of this conflict and tension I had learned to dull my feeling,my ambitions
and my senses.I can remember times when I was extremely in touch with life
;like the evening at the Boston Pops when I fell in love with the back of a
young woman whose face I never saw. We were sitting in the upper-upper
boxes where the music simply rolled off the ceiling enveloping me in an
exotic state I had rarely known and them I saw the women's bare back [Why
yes, she was wearing a backless evening dress.] The sight of her muscles
moving to the sound of the music  cascading down from the ceiling and I was
in Love. {With a young woman's bare back].
         There were many such moments but gradually I could feel the weight
of the world on my shoulders and just as gradually I could feel this
numbness of my body and my soul. Colors never seemed to be as bright as I
would imagine them to be. Music never was heard in all its intensity and
no more was I to smell sharply, cry loudly ,see with a clear vision or
taste  food with that sense of what really tasted fantastic. I must have
been all of age 13 when I came to realize and recognize the severity of the

       Through out the years I had to relearn so much and in fact i've
accomplished quite a bit and then along came my buddy PD.I think upon some
lengthy consideration, that my lack of being able to smell was due in
equal parts PD and the wonderful world of the psycosomatic explanations. My
sense of taste never felt as blunted as did my sense of smell

And would you like to take a guess at what restored my sense of
smell........My 1st pallidotony!! I don't recall this being a common
occurence. But it's true. Following my 2nd pallidotomy I had hopes of
improving my sense of smell even more but no such luck. As proof of my
improvement I submit the fact that pre surgery I weight in at 149 pounds
,the lightest I had been in some 40 years  but within 7-8 months I was back
to about 160 and now I weigh in at 175.Poorly distributed but there and If
you will excuse me i'm going to sign-off and have a pint of ice cream!

 My very best
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