

Will A. Kuipers wrote:
> Dawn King wrote:
>   <I'm wondering what side-effects might occur from taking hormone replacement
>   <therapy.  My gynacologist recommends I begin a course of rht to avoid
>   <potential ostioarthritis, etc. - does anyone on the list have any experience
>   <with this.  Thankyou.
>   <Dawn
> Hi Dawn,
> My wife's doctor and gynaecologist both recommend to start walking.
> If there are no other indications, that is the best way to prevent ostheoporosis
> and arthritis. And beware of hormones.
> Will
> Will A. Kuipers             ( 75 / dx '91 )
> INTERNET:[log in to unmask]


I am an RN and perimenopausal.  I started HRT two years ago and highly
recommend the hormones for relief of symptoms and prevention of a number
of problems of aging women.  I do not have experience with HRT in someone
with PD, but doubt that it is any different than taking other hormones -
insulin, steroids, etc.

Will is correct that walking is good for preventing osteoporosis, but it
does not help hot flashes and other annoying symptoms.  There is evidence
that HRT reduces risk of heart disease and perhaps Alzheimer's.  There
seem to be more reasons now to take HRT and I was dubious until I started
having symptoms.  My mother did not do well with HRT, but I think it is a
godsend for me!  Someone mentioned the HRT patches which are good because
the dose is lower and bypasses the liver, etc.  They are a problem for
people with allergies - skin rashes,etc.  I do fine on low dose Estrace
and Provera continuously.

There are natural ways to cope with menopause and they are worth
exploring - many books out and in bookstores.  It occurs to me that
someone with PD has enough to deal with and avoiding menopausal symptoms
would be good.  I would recommend HRT and if one way is not great then
get the dr to suggest other alternatives.

Gail Post, RN,MS
Honolulu, HI