

This is the first time I've written to the list since joining in May. It's a
great source of information - so thanks to Barbara and John as well as the

A little personal history - born in Ireland 47 years ago and have lived in
England since age 2. I was diagnosed with PD in 1988, gave up work in '92,
currently on Madopar (sinemet), eldepryl and propranolol.

With the L-dopa and a very slow pace of life I manage quite well but I wonder
have any of you have  also noticed a connection between fatigue and
 daylight. I first noticed increasing fatigue with winter about 5 years
before diagnosis. It lasted a couple of montha a year - but it worsened with
the PD so now only in mid summer do I feel reasonably unfatigued with when
not too active.

It seems like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and I'm going to try bright
light treatment soon to see if it makes a difference. But, does anyone know
if this is a usual part of PD, or am I a rare person with both PD and SAD?

I've failed to find any literature which mentions a link. By the way I don't
feel very 'depressed' in winter, but people often think I am.

John Meagher, Preston, UK

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