

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 15:11:12 -0800
From: Linda Neilsen <[log in to unmask]>
To: 'Barbara Patterson' <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: RE: Welcome

I'm amazed to see a response!  I'm new to the internet and this is my
first foray into communicating with people I don't know.

I'm interested in Parkinsons Disease because my dad (who turned 81 on
10/31/96) was diagnosed with PD 10-12 years ago.  He & my mom have been
attending local Parkinson support groups in Sacramento, California.  In
the last 2 years, the PD has been more aggressive.

Recently, Dad developed a virulant blood infection which pushed him into a
coma from which he is still trying to recover.  During the first 48 hours
of the crisis, the doctors thought we were going to lose him.  We told
them that Dad was adamant about wanting to be autopsied in the hope that
something could be learned that would help others.  The doctors agreed but
asked who would get the results of the autopsy.  We were stumped.  At
various seminars on PD, speakers had urged PD patients to have autopsys,
but no one said where to send the results.  Do you know?

I joined PARKINSN list to learn more about how to help Dad and what to do
with the autopsy results he is demanding we obtain.

If anyone who knows what we should do, please contact me?  In the
meantime, I've already learned a lot and sent some information to my Mom.

Linda Neilsen  ([log in to unmask])