

    Dear reader,

       GJL[That me] "I have a friend who..."
       Antagonist [that's someone else]  "You do?"

       GJL {Thats me again] "Yes I do. Why does that seem so strange?"
       Antagonist[ That someone else again] "well, you know"

       GJL  "Know what?"
       Antagonist  "You know!"

       GJL "No I don't.Tell me!"
       Antagonist   " Well, every one knows that you have that thing. You
know...Parkinson disease.'

       GJL   "But that is one of the reasons that I have friends.
       Antagonist  " you mean that people still like you even though you
have such an illness?"

       GJL   "yes"
       My new friend    "OH"

       CAST of 1300   Jesus Christ, George, will you get to  what wisdom
your friend needs.
             We don't have all day you know...
       GJL   "OK.OK, Give me a break, will you?"

       My friend is chasing 40 plus, divorced, mother of two adult
children. She is currently on medical leave from her job as a social worker
with a child/parent protection agency. She only recently applied for SSDI
and money is in short supply.She and I have never met face to face but talk
frequently on the phone and I do have a good sense of the issues she
faces.She had a Pallidotomy in June of '95 but continued to work until
December of '95 at which time she came apart at the seams.
She rapidly uncovered  a severe gambling addiction and has gotten herself
into much trouble with family, friends, and just about every one she knows.
I would not be a bit surprised if she owed money to some local leg brakers.
She has tried to beat the addiction but failed each time.She has a
supportive relationship with a man but even that has failed because the
rush she receives from placing the bet is the greatest. We are talking
serious addiction.She says that she goes "crazy" with her menstrual cycle.
        Her questions are :
            *1. Did her pallidotomy kick off some thing in her brain that
has lead her to the behavoral  problems. There is much in the literature
about a biological factor being involved in Obsesessive/ compulsive
disorders such as gambling . Or is it possiable that the surgery provoked
some personality or characterlogical issues. She reports that people notice
that see seems to have undergone some personality change. Have any of you
ever experienced or known someone who did have a major behavoral problem
following a Pallidotomy??

            *2. SHE has tried on every diagnosis in the book and nothing
seems to fit. She reports having a major anxiety attack which led her a
Frezzing episode which led her to the ER Room of her local hospital.
Another time she report of being severely Depressed. In human terms she
want to see if you can explain what is taking over her life; and granted
you know so little about her but do you recognize any thing in what I've
described to you?

            *3. What can she do  to break this puzzle? She has agreed to
attend a GA.meeting every day and to keep her self in counseling. Can you
think of anything?. Medications? she has tried several but each time she
gets anxious or/and depressed she changes meds. Obviously that needs to
       Your Wisdom is greatly appreaciated by both of us especially
regarding Question #1
     My Very Best
          george[[log in to unmask]]

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