

Brian asked about evening outthe ups and downs.  This was a problem Peter
had, taking a Sinemet CR 50/200 every 4 hours around the clock.  The
peaks and valleys were very noticeable, and the "next" pill took a long
time to kick in.  We badgered the neuro into letting him try regular Sinemet
(so as to reduce the carbidopa, which was excessive.) He prescribed 25/250
again every four hours. No particular change.  After a week + we decided to
use 1/2 a 25/250 every TWO hours, with a full one about 2 A.M. and this is
giving Peter a much smoother "ride".  It seems the valleys between the peaks on
 the CR are too deep and long, and this works for us--but if you make a change
in meds, be sure to check first with your neuro. Good luck,
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7,Oxford,OH