

I am trying to locate families where there is a parent with young onset
Parkinson's disease and young children (under the age of 10).

My husband is 50 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 3 years
ago.  We have four children ages 21, 20, 4 and 1.  We consider the two older
children to be adults and they have been fully able to understand and share
in the discussions about my husband.  So far, our 1 year old is too young to
be too aware of the situation. However, our 4 year old daughter has had a
very difficult time dealing with my husband's illness.  She doesn't
understand why it is her daddy who had to get this, why her daddy can't carry
her like he used to, why her daddy is so tired.  She also firmly believes
that all the other boys in her daycare will get Parkinson's when they become

 It would be very helpful to our family to be able to communicate with young
families who are coping with Parkinson's.  It would be particularly great to
meet families near our area (Princeton, NJ).  My 4 year old would benefit
greatly by meeting other children who have a father or mother with
Parkinson's disease.

Sincerely, Janice Wherry