

It only takes a couple of stories of parents describing the effects of PD on
the children in their families to make  me more determined to try to raise
funds for research.

One of the comments from Joe Young Jr. suggested we  would be better off
concentrating on contributions on  one or two foundations. Thats ok with me
but I thought  untill I established my creditability with this group,  donees
would prefer to make a donation to the resource institution of their  choice.

If I were to pick one institution to get more bang for the bucks it would be
the Parkinson Disease Foundation.

This institution basicly raises funds and then channels the funds out to
worthy research projects. Another advantage is that checks could be sent
directly to me care of the Foundation so that I could tabulate the results.
 Although it has not been expressed in any comment I felt some people might
be relucant to send a stranger a check even if it was made payable to an

The remaining comment dealt with the tax deductibility of the donation. I
envision every donation being tax deductible.  As long as you make the check
out to a charitable organization  the mere mailing to another to forward the
check would not make it not decutible.

I am suprised that I have not received a greater response with comments in
light of the number of people who expressed their views on mandority
regeristration of PDP>

I need some encouragements and comments. I want to use up the $ 500 matching
funds before the end of the year

Dale  at    [log in to unmask]