

Dear Michael and Laura

I have been off the list for a while but feel I must put some suggestions
forward re the problems that Dorothy is having getting onto Sinemet.
Barbara, Brian  and Dick gave good advice. There are a few things I would
like to to add, things I have learned as a resource person for a support

The nausea and dizzyness are not uncommon when starting  parkinson meds.
You should know that levodopa activates the "vomiting center" and it
takes time to adjust.  Low blood pressure  is less common---but LBP on
standing is  the reason why a good Movement Disorder Clinic takes your BP
while lying down and then while standing.

The carbidopa in the pill is there to keep you from throwing up -- among
other things.  However there isn't enough carbidopa in one pill and one
must not  take more Sinemet.
 In the USA carbidopa is available  by itself
and it helps.

I suggest that Dorothy give the pill something to land on in her stomach.
eg.cereal with milk at breakfast. The food slows down the absorption of the
pill something wanted by Dorothy because she is a beginner. This is no
time for thinking of reducing protein. Long time PWP have to watch their
protein  intake because  protein messes up the absorption of levodopa
into the brain. Dorothy won't be at that stage for years.

In Canada a prescription drug called domperidome is used successfully for
this nausea.

I agree with the suggestion that Dorothy try a quarter tablet a day  for  week at least a week. Then she could try another quarter tablet at
another time of day
for a week. When she is comfortable at that level she could increase again.
There is no need to rush into anything.

I am one of those who stopped taking eldepryl. First I dropped from 2 per
day to one. Not much difference  in how I felt. After a while I started
taking Eldepryl  every second day. Felt the same. So my doctor said drop
the last  and if you feel worse we can start again. But again it may be
different for a 'newbie'

If the tremor is worse when Dorothy is holding a cup and milder when she
is just sitting doing nothing you  might not  be dealing with pure
parkinson's.  Tremor is only one of THE symptoms. The others are 1)  bent
over posture
2) a stiffness in the muscles and joints 3) slowness in walking and
getting stuck in chairs 4)tiny writing 5) a stiff face and less blinking
of eyes. Two or three of these are usually present  as well as tremor.

I don't agree that Sinemet lasts only 10 years.  I have taken Sinemet
for16 years and it is still effective. I know one  PWP who started on
levodopa when  it was still in clinical trials, before Sinemet was on the
market. She is still taking Sinemet.

Now I am going to stick my neck out.
Pro Path is a very good system, I'm sure, but who  puts it out?  And
which Parkinson Med do they make?
Lots of scope for more messages  <:-)/
Anne Rutherford